Source code for interval

# Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Stefano Taschini <>
# All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE for details.

``interval`` --- Interval arithmetic

This package provides the interval class, which is usually imported
into the current namespace:

    >>> from interval import interval
    >>> interval[1,2]
    interval([1.0, 2.0])


from six import with_metaclass
from . import fpu
inf = fpu.infinity

def coercing(f):
    from functools import wraps

    def wrapper(self, other):
            return f(self, self.cast(other))
        except self.ScalarError:
            return NotImplemented
    return wrapper

def comp_by_comp(f):
    from functools import wraps

    def wrapper(self, other):
            return self._canonical(
                self.Component(*f(x, y))
                for x in self
                for y in self.cast(other))
        except self.ScalarError:
            return NotImplemented
    return wrapper

class Metaclass(type):
    def __getitem__(self, arg):
        return self(arg)

[docs]class interval(with_metaclass(Metaclass, tuple)): """A (multi-)interval on the extended real set. An interval is an immutable object that is created by specifying the end-points of its connected components: >>> interval([0, 1], [2, 3], [10, 15]) interval([0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0], [10.0, 15.0]) constructs an interval whose arbitrary element x must satisfy 0 <= x <= 1 or 2 <= x <= 3 or 10 <= x <= 15. Several shortcuts are available: >>> interval(1, [2, 3]) interval([1.0], [2.0, 3.0]) >>> interval[1, 2] interval([1.0, 2.0]) >>> interval[1] interval([1.0]) Intervals are closed with respect to all arithmetic operations, integer power, union, and intersection. Casting is provided for scalars in the real set. >>> (1 + interval[3, 4] / interval[-1, 2]) & interval[-5, 5] interval([-5.0, -2.0], [2.5, 5.0]) """ def __new__(cls, *args): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], cls): return args[0] def make_component(x, y=None): if y is None: return cls.cast(x) else: return cls.hull((cls.cast(x), cls.cast(y))) def process(x): try: return make_component(*x if hasattr(x, '__iter__') else (x,)) except: raise cls.ComponentError("Invalid interval component: " + repr(x)) return cls.union(process(x) for x in args) def __getnewargs__(self): """Return the values passed to constructor upon unpickling.""" return tuple(tuple(c) for c in self) @classmethod
[docs] def new(cls, components): "Create a new interval from existing components." return tuple.__new__(cls, components)
[docs] def cast(cls, x): """Cast a scalar to an interval. If the argument is an interval, it is returned unchanged. If the argument is not a scalar an interval.ScalarError is raised. """ if isinstance(x, cls): return x try: y = fpu.float(x) except: raise cls.ScalarError("Invalid scalar: " + repr(x)) if fpu.isinteger(x) and x != y: # Special case for an integer with more bits than in a float's mantissa if x > y: return, fpu.up(lambda: y + 1)),)) else: return y - 1), y),)) return, y),))
[docs] def function(cls, f): """Decorator creating an interval function from a function on a single component. The original function accepts one argument and returns a sequence of (inf, sup) pairs: >>> @interval.function ... def mirror(c): ... return (-c.sup, -c.inf), c >>> mirror(interval([1, 2], 3)) interval([-3.0], [-2.0, -1.0], [1.0, 2.0], [3.0]) """ from functools import wraps @wraps(f) def wrapper(x): return cls._canonical( cls.Component(*t) for c in cls.cast(x) for t in f(c)) return wrapper
@classmethod def _canonical(cls, components): from operator import itemgetter components = [c for c in components if c.inf <= c.sup] components.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) l = [] for c in components: if not l or c.inf > l[-1].sup: l.append(c) elif c.sup > l[-1].sup: l[-1] = cls.Component(l[-1].inf, c.sup) return @classmethod
[docs] def union(cls, intervals): """Return the union of the specified intervals. This class method is equivalent to the repeated use of the | operator. >>> interval.union([interval([1, 3], [4, 6]), interval([2, 5], 9)]) interval([1.0, 6.0], [9.0]) >>> interval([1, 3], [4, 6]) | interval([2, 5], 9) interval([1.0, 6.0], [9.0]) """ return cls._canonical(c for i in intervals for c in i)
[docs] def hull(cls, intervals): """Return the hull of the specified intervals. The hull of a set of intervals is the smallest connected interval enclosing all the intervals. >>> interval.hull((interval[1, 3], interval[10, 15])) interval([1.0, 15.0]) >>> interval.hull([interval(1, 2)]) interval([1.0, 2.0]) """ components = [c for i in intervals for c in i] return for c in components), fpu.max(c.sup for c in components)),))
@property def components(self): """Iterator on the connectect components of an interval. Each component is itself an interval. """ return (,)) for x in self) @property def midpoint(self): """The interval consisting only of the midpoints of each component.""" return, x) for x in (sum(c) / 2 for c in self)) @property def extrema(self): """The interval consisting only of the extrema of each component.""" return self._canonical(self.Component(x, x) for c in self for x in c) def __repr__(self): return self.format("%r") def __str__(self): return self.format("%s")
[docs] def format(self, fs): """Format into a string using fs as format for the interval bounds. The argument fs can be any string format valid with floats: >>> interval[-2.1, 3.4].format("%+g") 'interval([-2.1, +3.4])' """ return type(self).__name__ + '(' + ', '.join('[' + ', '.join(fs % x for x in sorted(set(c))) + ']' for c in self) + ')'
def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return, -x.inf) for x in self) @comp_by_comp def __add__(x, y): return (fpu.down(lambda: x.inf + y.inf), fpu.up(lambda: x.sup + y.sup)) def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other) def __rsub__(self, other): return (-self) + other @comp_by_comp def __mul__(x, y): return ( fpu.down(lambda: fpu.min((x.inf * y.inf, x.inf * y.sup, x.sup * y.inf, x.sup * y.sup))), fpu.up (lambda: fpu.max((x.inf * y.inf, x.inf * y.sup, x.sup * y.inf, x.sup * y.sup)))) def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other @coercing def __div__(self, other): return self * other.inverse() __truediv__ = __div__ @coercing def __rdiv__(self, other): return self.inverse() * other __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__ def __pow__(self, n): if not fpu.isinteger(n): return NotImplemented if n < 0: return (self ** -n).inverse() if n % 2: def pow(c): return (fpu.power_rd(c.inf, n), fpu.power_ru(c.sup, n)) else: def pow(c): if c.inf > 0: return (fpu.power_rd(c.inf, n), fpu.power_ru(c.sup, n)) if c.sup < 0: return (fpu.power_rd(c.sup, n), fpu.power_ru(c.inf, n)) else: return (0.0, fpu.max(fpu.power_ru(x, n) for x in c)) return self._canonical(self.Component(*pow(c)) for c in self) @comp_by_comp def __and__(x, y): return (fpu.max((x.inf, y.inf)), fpu.min((x.sup, y.sup))) def __rand__(self, other): return self & other @coercing def __or__(self, other): return self.union((self, other)) def __ror__(self, other): return self | other @coercing def __contains__(self, other): return all(any(x.inf <= y.inf and y.sup <= x.sup for x in self) for y in other) def __abs__(self): return type(self)[0, inf] & (self | (-self)) class ComponentError(ValueError): pass class ScalarError(ValueError): pass class Component(tuple): def __new__(cls, inf, sup): if fpu.isnan(inf) or fpu.isnan(sup): return tuple.__new__(cls, (-fpu.infinity, +fpu.infinity)) return tuple.__new__(cls, (inf, sup)) @property def inf(self): return self[0] @property def sup(self): return self[1] @property def inf_inv(self): return fpu.up(lambda: 1 / self.inf) @property def sup_inv(self): return fpu.down(lambda: 1 / self.sup)
[docs] def newton(self, f, p, maxiter=10000, tracer_cb=None): """Find the roots of f(x) (where p=df/dx) within self using Newton-Raphson. For instance, the following solves x**3 == x in [-10, 10]: >>> interval[-10, 10].newton(lambda x: x - x**3, lambda x: 1 - 3*x**2) interval([-1.0], [0.0], [1.0]) >>> interval[-1.5, 3].newton(lambda x: (x**2 - 1)*(x - 2), lambda x:3*x**2 - 4*x -1) interval([-1.0], [1.0], [2.0]) """ if tracer_cb is None: def tracer_cb(tag, interval): pass def step(x, i): return (x - f(x) / p(i)) & i def some(i): yield i.midpoint for x in i.extrema.components: yield x def branch(current): try: _range = xrange except NameError: # pragma: PY3 only _range = range tracer_cb('branch', current) for n in _range(maxiter): previous = current for anchor in some(current): current = step(anchor, current) if current != previous: tracer_cb('step', current) break else: return current if not current: return current if len(current) > 1: return self.union(branch(c) for c in current.components) tracer_cb("abandon", current) return return self.union(branch(c) for c in self.components)
[docs] def inverse(c): """Return self ** -1, or, equivalently, 1 / self.""" if c.inf <= 0 <= c.sup: return ((-fpu.infinity, c.inf_inv if c.inf != 0 else -fpu.infinity), (c.sup_inv if c.sup != 0 else +fpu.infinity, +fpu.infinity)) else: return (c.sup_inv, c.inf_inv),
# The decorator interval.function can only be used from outside # the original class scope. interval.inverse = interval.function(getattr(interval.inverse, '__func__', interval.inverse)) # Clean up the namespace del coercing, comp_by_comp, Metaclass, with_metaclass from . import imath # noqa